The Livingston County Pheasants Forever Scholarship Program in Memory of Neil Knauer & Dick Vaughan
The program was created to honor two of the founding members of our Livingston County PF chapter who have passed on, while supporting our local youth to pursue educational opportunities in conservation.
Up to three $500 scholarships will be made available to high school seniors graduating from Livingston County High Schools that are pursuing post high school educations. Applications are available from local school's guidance conselors.
If you wish to donate to the scholarship fund, please contact a committeeman for details, or you can simply send a check to Livingston County Pheasants Forever Scholarship Fund and send it to the address located on our contact information page.
In May of 2024, proceeds from the John Mills Memorial fund were donated by Karen, Nathan & Matt Mills to be used for one of our youth programs. The funds will go toward our 2025 scholarship program. |